
Monday, October 2, 2017


A couple of months ago, I found out that I would have a new house guest in February.

Let's just say I was not thrilled and leave it at that. Ok?

Finding out I was going to be gra...a glam...ummmm lets just call me Me Me or in my Clare Huxatable voice Mother the Sequel...

Hell I know what I am going to be, I just don't want to be called it. As the weeks go by, I am softening and getting just a tad excited. Found out the due date was in February and my heart fluttered. February is significant because my mom's, mine and my daughter's birthdays are all in February. My mom also passed in February so this gives me something to focus on other than that death date. My deductive reasoning led me to it definitely being a girl because we are all girls...duh! Everything I have looked at was for girls. I saw a set of pearls that I just knew I was going to buy as soon as my prediction was confirmed. Well today was the ultrasound and guess what...


I was so

Everybody say hello to my favorite grandson.