It didn't quite stick when Claudette Colvin did it but Rosa Parks got attention. Was it that Parks was more popular or had it become more of an epidemic by this time? I am not sure. Was the solidarity & bus boycott about public transportation or the treatment of some that used public transportation?
Where was the patriotism then? Did you not notice what was happening?
When Vets return to the US homeless and literally dying to get medical attention, where is the patriotism?
Were you a patriot when all men couldn't vote? Even when these men returned from the wars, fighting for a country that didn't love them? Coming back to FIGHT A COUNTRY that they FOUGHT FOR? Did you stand beside them and fight WITH them?
Race is the big, disgusting, violent, ugly elephant in the room that all are not willing to address. It's here folks. Never left. Not talking about it or ignoring it won't make it go away or resolve itself. It took 381 days from Rosa Parks' court date to get the law changed so that everyone could ride the bus. It was patriots that made & enforced the law that they, the 'patriots', believed was right even though it infringed on the rights of others.
Discrimination is a common practice. Undoing discriminatory practices are what seems to be un-American.
So you mean to tell me, you are a patriot & defender of all rights for everyone at all times? Then why doesn't the WHY of Kaepernick's silent, peaceful protest, move you? Or are you only a patriot & defender of rights when it doesn't affect yours? And that's the real reason why Kaepernick's silent, peaceful protest bothers you. You are forced to examine yourself, what you've been taught, how you've behaved...
Why are we made to believe that because multiple bloody & deadly fights/protests lead us to get the most basic of rights that were afforded to others just by being born, should pacify us? And we should take these W's and not press our luck? Reminds me of a battered woman being told that she shouldn't upset him so much so he won't hit her. Or being asked what she said or did to set him off. Quit making him so mad and he won't hit you...
All Lives Matter ha? All lives matter is a deflection. How can All Lives Matters when Black & Brown lives don't? And that's for anyone that it applies to, not just white police officers or white people in general. IT IS TO ANYONE THAT DOESN'T VALUE A LIFE ON EITHER SIDE FOR ANY REASON.
All Lives Matter is a deflection to avoid talking about why Black or Brown Lives Matter & how one doesn't exist without the other. Do we really not get this? Do we really not get that just b/c the Klan isn't marching in their cloaks at night, snatching negras our of their beds with torches, that we have progressed? Do we really not get that separate water fountains, buses, entrances, restaurants, schools, sleeping quarters and treatment of non-Whites didn't affect or shape anything that has manifested? That it has nothing to do with what we see now? Do we really not get racism has been and still is, alive and rampant? Or are we choosing not to get this? Like patriotism, is it selective? Or left up to interpretation?
Selective Patriotic Interpretation Lives Matter.
Selective Lives Matter.

HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT KNEELING WHILE THE NATIONAL ANTHEM BEING PLAYED IS DISRESPECTFUL TO THE FLAG OR VETERANS WHEN NEITHER OF THESE SYMBOLS REPRESENTS ALL CITIZENS? Take that in. The rights, freedoms, and liberties that were fought for under the guise of this flag and the symbolism of the National Anthem were not made with non-Whites in mind and were not meant for non-Whites to enjoy - thus the marches and protests and law changes that endured. The mindset is still there. Have you ever wondered why? Why some were given automatic protections and freedoms under something called the United States of America when we are anything but united...except in the treatment of non-Whites?
How does the silent protest help, you ask?
Mr. John Legend:
The president of the United States loves to drape himself in the symbols of patriotism, but fails to respect the ideals at the core of our Constitution and national identity. Trump may love the flag, but he doesn’t love anything it’s supposed to stand for. He actively encouraged a hostile foreign power to infiltrate our electoral process. He wants to suppress millions of Americans’ right to vote because they didn’t vote for him. He routinely undermines freedom of religion with his rabid Islamophobia, attacks the free press with disturbing regularity, and is now attacking the rights of the people to peacefully protest.
Protest is patriotic. Protest has played a critically important role in elevating the voices of the most vulnerable in our nation. Protest in America has been essential to ending war, to demanding equal rights, to ending unfair practices that keep citizens marginalized. If we quell protest in the name of patriotism, we are not patriots. We are tyrants.
Would there have been a Civil Rights Act without the Birmingham protests? When Bull Connor unleashed his fire hoses and dogs on the schoolchildren taking to the streets, racial disparities and the violence facing people because of the color of their skin became the issues of the times. With savage images of the brutal attack in the news every day, President John Kennedy had little choice but to push for a Civil Rights Act that demanded equal services and equal rights.
-a quote taken from Rodney Pelt, Sr.'s Facebook page.
Let the truth of that set in. One is to help you. The other is to absolutely intimidate and hurt you. And there are questions as to which should be upheld.
Oh & here's Mr. Shannon Sharpe...
And let's be clear. As Sharpe said, the display this past Sunday had nothing to do with standing in solidarity with Kaepernick, this is about rich people being told what to do & not liking that narrative. Plus, the President of the United States, of the "FREE" world, called those that are silently calling attention to injustices "sons of bitches that need to be fired" but there were "fine people" in Charlottesville and mistakes were made on both sides...
And if you're one of those people that don't believe anything until white people notice and agree, the next 2 links are for you:
Mr. Dalen Hansen:
Mr. Jordan Rooney of the NFBD movement - Never Fear Being Different
Do we get it yet?
#BeAllInOrGetOut #WorkingTogetherForOurChildren
Yes!! Yes!! And Yes!! Great article! Trevor Noah had me clapping!
ReplyDeleteDidn't he cut up??
DeleteYes he did!!
DeleteI had to come back...Dalen Hansen 🙌
ReplyDeleteAgain, great article, great plugs! We needed this!
Thank you Darling!
DeleteThis is awesome!!! Fuck an APA, MLA, news writer style, or impromptu speech! Well written .... bc it's honest, clever, and funny!! #atdasamedamntime! NICE
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
DeleteSee... This is how you write a blog on some "real" issues that are REAL LIFE issues that are not just "reality". Salute!!! #Sharing
ReplyDeleteThank you Sugar!!
DeleteI absolutely love everything about this post!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis a test.
ReplyDeleteGo head Trevor Noah!