The Snapback...
What is the rush? Who are you trying to prove something to? Who are you trying to look good for, leaking from every orifice of your body? Why do you need to be out and about? Why are you trying to be seen?
I can understand if your maternity leave is unpaid and you have bills to pay and nowhere else for this money to come from. But come on - you're risking your life just to look good to a bunch of strangers?

Society has ruined us.
Social media is killing us.
Media has made us hate ourselves and our bodies. The need for validation, in the form of likes from friends and strangers alike is mind boggling, devastating and truly sad...unless your job depends on it. But there are companies that offer insurance and payments for cases such as these, if your job doesn't. But I digress.
First off - let me make something clear to you: it took your body 9-10 months, at least 36-40 weeks to create this life & gain this weight. You are NOT going to snapback in 2 weeks. There are some exceptions for those that were already fit prior to getting pregnant. There are a few other freaks of nature that the exceptions apply to but for the majority of us, it takes time for our tummies to flatten back out, if it ever does. It's just like when you gain weight. It took you awhile to gain this weight, you will not lose it in 14 days unless you're 6 feet under.
Secondly - these IG models and famous people opt for a tummy tuck when they deliver. Then they pose with flat tummy tea and wear waist trainers as if THAT is what helped them to snapback. They are paid for these endorsements. Of course they are going to tell you that's what helped them. That is what they are getting paid to do! They are being paid to lie to you so that you'll spend your money buying these products. There are no magical potions to losing weight fast.
Thirdly - you should always check with your doctor and listen to your body on how soon you're ready to resume normal activities/wear waist trainers. There are many myths that we grew up with about any and everything but a setback is not one of them. You parents, grandparents and aunts are not wrong. It is a thing. Sometimes you feel the effects immediately and sometimes it doesn't show up until later in life.
Why do you think women are still wearing and companies are still coming up with all these contraptions to APPEAR to have lost weight? Because they are preying on the vulnerability of these women who society and social media have told that they have to be a certain size and look a certain way. And instead of spending money on all these organ rearranging internal vacuums, you can actually invest in your self, weight loss program with a menu, and/or a gym that will give it to you the natural way. It takes patience. Outside of adipex, I've found NOTHING that beats portion control, exercise and better eating.
You will lose your mind trying to keep up with the Nicki Minaj's, the Natalie Nunn's, Kimbella's, Kim Zolciak's, Black Chyna's, the Draya's and the Kardashian's of the world (there are plenty more but you get the point) b/c you don't have that kind of money.
Another fun fact: a lot of these "goals" have gone to see Dr. Curves or similar doctors that offer fat transfers and brazilian butt lifts. That's where they go in and take fat from other parts of the body and inject them into their hips and butt. OR they opt for the silicone. You're jealous of manufactured bodies. You're risking your life over surgically enhanced bodies. You're comparing your natural body to something made in the OR. I'm not against plastic surgery. But I'm against having plastic surgery and fooling your fan base like you achieved those results under false pretenses.
And if you go the cheap way??
Stop it. It's not worth it. If you're doing this for the likes or for the attention of multiple men, stop it. Yeah, I see what they like and put hearts under on social media just like you do. I see what they glorify on music videos, tv shows and movies. I hear what they like in the music.
It has made you, consciously or subconsciously, feel like if you look like these women that they are salivating over then they'd salivate over you too. But in reality, he doesn't know what kind of women they are. You can't base life decisions on outside appearances. How's her head...the one on her shoulders? How's her heart? How does she treat others? Is she responsible? Does she abuse drugs and alcohol? Is she nice? Mean? Hateful? Does she believe in God? Is she an Atheist? Does her morals and values align with yours? How is she to her children, if she has any?

They don't know ANYTHING about these women except their bodies are appealing to them. They are imagining doing things to them. They'd probably never have a chance with them and the women wouldn't even pick them out, out of a lineup. And when they fail at landing one of these women, guess where their eyes will wonder back to?
Let me flip and ask, the guys that you are seeking attention from, what are THEY like? You may not even want them or what they have to offer. Chiiiiile, you better leave dusty Tyrone where he is. They want supermodels but take pix like this:
Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Love your body. Perceived flaws and all. And the right person, will love everything about you, even those parts of you that you want to be ashamed of.
So again, I ask, what is the rush? Who are you trying to prove something to? Who are you trying to look good for, leaking from every orifice of your body? Why do you need to be out and about? Why are you trying to be seen? Can somebody answer this for me please?
Wontcha join me?
Those images...please fix it Jesus. This article is so on point tho! I'm STILL trying to lose baby weight, and my child is 40. *I said, what I said.*
ReplyDeleteAin lying!! I've lost it and it keeps finding me. I'm thinking that a restraining order is next.